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I'm Ann and I like to sew dissonance :)

My Story

A product manager for a software company by day, I fill pretty much every other hour of my time with crafting – mostly knitting and sewing, but also the occasional beading or embroidery project. I was encouraged from an early age -- family gatherings inevitably included (and still do) yarn, thread, needles, fabric, craft books, and very busy hands. I've been further inspired by a humanities-focused education (majors in Philosophy and German and a Master’s in General Studies in Humanities), where I developed a deeper appreciation for the art in craft – not just the aesthetics and skill but also the context in which the works exist. My current projects include a vintage ballgown and a Victorian cycling costume, but I mostly keep my hands busy with small scrappy projects – coasters, bookmarks, bowls, needle books, knitted socks, etc. Fascinated by the confluence of line, shape, color, texture, and contrast, I enjoy the process of watching a new work take shape in unexpected ways.

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